Student Communities

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PreK - Preteen


THIS IS CHURCH FOR KIDS! PerfectingKids serves children from 18 months through 4th grade, offering an exciting, age-appropriate learning environment to promote healthy spiritual, cognitive, emotional, social and physical development through worship and the Word of God.  Weekly lessons are complemented with service opportunities and interwoven with multi-media resources to accommodate various learning styles, encourage interaction and prepare children for a lifetime of discovering, developing and launching out!

Ages 18 mos – 3 years old
11:00-12:30 am.
In-person only, registration required through Church Center app
Parent Guide & Video

Pre-K & K
Ages 3-5
11:00-12:30 am.
In-person only, registration required through Church Center app

Parent Guide & Video

1st – 4th grades
In-person, registration required through Church Center app.
Online 11:00 am -12:30 am

Parent Guide & Video

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5th -7th grades


METAMORPHOSIS is a change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means.

Metamorphosis is also the student community of The Perfecting Church serving students in the 5th through 8th grades.  We understand that other than the first three years of life, this is the grade span in which students are most transformed. They enter as children and leave as young adults.

With that fact in mind each week students will gather together to interact with others, experience vibrant music, participate in small group discussions with small group leaders, engage in service projects, play games and more.

Our goal is to lead students into a loving relationship with God, which will help students:

DISCOVER their unique gifts, talents and abilities
TRANSFORM into the next generation of leaders by infusing the qualities and characteristics of people of influence.
PERFECT (verb) /per-fekt/ themselves through continuous learning, growing and servicing, which enables them to become exactly who God created them to be.

Sunday Lessons: 
In-person, registration required through Church Center app.
Online 11:30 am -12:30 am
Download Devotional

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8th - 10th grades

Design Not Altered (DNA)

DNA contains the genetic instructions used in the development of all known living organisms. Like a set of blueprints, DNA contains the instructions needed for constructing life.  Similarly, embedded in every human being is a specific plan and purpose that God Himself according to Genesis chapter 1 has made you “very good” at…but only He as your creator has the instructions.  DNA exists to provide young adults in 9th through 12th grades with a forum to access those instructions, launching students into a passionate pursuit of God and a life that aligns with His Design Not Altered.

Sunday Lessons:
In-person, registration required through Church Center app.
Online 11:30 am -12:30 am
Download Devotional

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