About Us

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About Our Leadership
Our Story
We are living proof that “if you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done,” a principle we learned from our spiritual father, the late Dr. Lamont D. McLean, who pastored us for nearly 15 years before his death in 2007. The products of less than perfect families, we vowed separately and privately to be different, defining and finding success on our own terms. Yet when we met in 1989, we seemed destined to repeat the mistakes that plagued the generations before us.
As a young adult, Kevin struggled with drugs and alcohol as he sought to discover his purpose in life. Meanwhile, Angela, the product of a bitter divorce, resisted any committed relationship. For us the results would be a pregnancy outside of wedlock when Angela was just a 17-year-old college freshman and Kevin a recent college drop-out. For God it would be the ingredients He’d use to do a new thing and give us a future and a hope.
Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds facing us as a young couple, together we decided to whole-heartedly dedicate our lives to God and one another, forsaking the ungodly habits that defined our past and laying a foundation for God to do something new. In exchange, we experienced the fulfillment of God’s promise in Psalm 37:4 that if you “delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desire of your heart” as he’s taken us from poverty to wealth and disappointment to Godly contentment.
Today our union of 31 years has given birth to two, spirit-filled children, KJ and Olivia, and numerous accomplishments. We attribute our Christian family and achievements to consistently seeking and applying God’s word to our lives. We learned this as part of the rich spiritual upbringing we received at Living Faith Christian Center where we were active members for nearly 20 years and Kevin worked as a staff minister from 2005-2007; senior minister from 2007-2009; and senior minister and associate pastor from 2010-2011.
Together we are known to powerfully yet practically minister the Word of God with a transparency that discloses both our tests and testimonies revealing how a perfect God perfects His people so the real you emerges.
But enough about us…let’s discover you.
Our Mission
To produce change in the lives of men, women and children through the transforming power of God’s word and presence enabling us to discover and live God’s unique plan for our lives emerging as holy, purpose-driven, people of influence who extend the Kingdom of God.